Implementation Green Accounting to Corporate Financial Performance; Evidence in Indonesia
Billy Ghozali Domineka, Syarbini Ikhsan, Khristina Yunita, Nina Febriana Dosinta, Fera Damayanti, Indonesia
1-15 |
Strategy of Limited Edition Stone Island: Analysis of the Impact of Scarcity on Premium Pricing Through Fear of Missing Out
Muhammad Nafi’ Khusaini, Budhi Haryanto, Indonesia
16-31 |
Green Innovation, Green Supply Chain Management, Green Intellectual Capital and Green Human Resources Management Toward Environmental Performance
I Gusti Putu Diva Awatara, Linda Nur Susila, Endang Saryanti, Indonesia
32-44 |
Budgetary Control and Profitability of Listed Foods and Beverages Producing Companies in Nigeria
Enyi Patrick Enyi, Ogundajo Grace Oyeyemi, AREMU Paul Olabode, Nigeria
45-58 |
Exploring Job Satisfaction Among Gen Z Working Students at Widyatama University
Indra Taruna Anggapradja, Darwis Agustriyana, Adam Faritzal, Indonesia
59-70 |
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stock Price of Manufacture Companies in Indonesia
Bernardus Ivan Pratama Tisera, Hedwigis Esti Riwayati*, Indonesia
71-82 |
The Role of Customer Satisfaction in Mediating the Relation Between Brand Awareness and Purchase Behavior on Rayu.idn Fashion Products
Fatchiyah Tia Nur, Budhi Haryanto, Indonesia
83-101 |
Entrepreneurship Education in Universities as a Credible Remedy for Graduate Unemployment in Cameroon
Gabriel Nnoko Enongene, Alain Villard Ndi Isoh, Felix Nkengafack Tapang, Cameroon
102-123 |
The Impact of Earnings Management on the Business Performance of the Industrial Sector Listed on Hose in Vietnam
Assoc.Prof.Dr Dinh The Hung, Nguyen Khoi Nguyen, Viet Nam
124-135 |
Corporate Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Absorptive Capacity's Impact on Performance: Organizational Learning as a Mediator in Indonesian Investment Promotion Agencies
Rizaldi Indra Janu, Bahtiar Usman, Wahyuningsih Santosa, Indonesia
136-150 |
The Influence of Customer Trust as a Mediator Between Uncertainty Avoidance and Purchase Intention in Shopee
Nabila Verysa Aryoko, Yong Dirgiatmo, Indonesia
151-167 |
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Performance Management in Organizations: A Case Study of Safaricom, Kenya
Dr. Susan Ndumba Nkanata, Dr. Evelyne Wambui Maina, Kenya
168-183 |
The Influence of the Audit Committee, Auditor Rotation and Ownership Structure on Audit Quality: Evidence From Indonesian Mining Company
Abriyani Puspaningsih, Indonesia
184-195 |
The Effect of Financial Literacy, Overconfidence, and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Financial Behavior and Financial Decisions of Sky Players: Children of the Light
Devina Ellysia Alfiany, Sutrisno Sutrisno, Indonesia
196-209 |
Is There a Demand Pull or Supply Push Between Southwest Border Apprehensions and Employment in the United States?
Ernst Coupet, Jr., USA
210-225 |
Unraveling Employee Performance DNA: Transformational Millennial Leadership, Training, and Compensation through Motivation Hormones at the Regional General Hospital of the Regency
Muhammad Bayu, Eka Hadiwijaya, Iskandar, Omar Dhani, Indonesia
226-236 |
Effect of Financial Management Practices on Performance of Commercial State-owned Enterprises in Kenya: A Machine Learning Approach
Bethsay J. Kaino, Prof. David N. Kiragu, Dr Njenga Mburu, Kenya
237-252 |
The Impact of Corruption on the Human Development Index in Countries Worldwide and Policy Implications for Vietnam
Hai Anh Pham, Viet Nam
253-273 |
The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Starting, Automating and Scaling Businesses for Entrepreneurs
Dr. John Ughulu, USA
274-278 |
Safaricom Fibre Price Wars With Both Local and International Competitors Like Starlink and Airtel and Its Effects on Telecommunication Industry in Kenya
Benard Omondi Otieno, Kenya
279-289 |
Green Economic Development – Measures for Sustainable Development for Vietnam
Hang Nguyen Thi Thu, Viet Nam
290-298 |
The Influence of SPIP Maturity and SAKIP Quality on the Performance of Local Government Financial Management
Aji Hirawan, Wahyu Widarjo, Indonesia
299-310 |
Digital Currencies Financial Reporting and Auditing: A New Concern for Accounting Professionals in the Accounting Industry
David Hope Kanu, USA
311-351 |
Collaborative Governance Strategis for Enhancing Fisheries State Income at Jakarta Nizam Zach man Oceanic Fishing Port
Yulia Wijayanti, Reza Fathurrahman, Indonesia
352-378 |
Pager Mangkok as Manifestation of Corporate Social Responsibility
Erniyawati Mustaqomah, Falikhatun, Indonesia
379-407 |
Top Management Team Heterogeneity and Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from China
Yupeng Hu, South Korea
408-420 |