The general purpose of this study was to investigate the role of green growth and wealth creation in Rongo Sub County. Three questions arose: Can green growth create wealth? And if so? Can it be adopted? If adopted, how? Poverty is a hindrance to any society that seeks to grow and hence cannot be ignored. Wealth is viewed or understood to mean accumulation of material wealth. However, this is not true especially in dry land regions where wealth is defined as per community aspects. This paper therefore sought to understand community participation in wealth creation through approaches that are community specific and adoption of such strategies in other regions. The paper attempts to explain that wealth creation does not need excess capital or money accumulation to improve the lives of communities. Successful poverty reduction and wealth creation does not require complex approaches with heavy inputs. The study used cross sectional and descriptive research design approach. The study sampled a total 120 homesteads through systemic random selection in Rongo Sub County. Regression analysis on green growth and the independent variable aspects of wealth creation indicated the following: All the aspects of the independent variables of green growth were found to be significant towards wealth creation. We therefore reject the null hypothesis and conclude that wealth creation depends on adoption of green growth strategies. The study recommends that there is need for the members of the community at large to adopt green growth strategies as this leads to wealth creation aspects including but not limited to: land ownership, improved lifestyle, improved health, ability to accumulate savings and ability to access education. It also recommends that the County government should have policies to promote the green growth strategies.