Kosasih, Deden Indradinata, Oktri M Firdaus, Achmad Fadjar, Indonesia
Entrepreneurial education in pharmacy colleges just touched on the level of recognition norm and not yet at the stage of internalization and concrete actions that can formed independent, creative and innovative behaviors in daily life. This research used a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method to analyze dominant personality formed through the learning process using DISC personality test in order to obtain an effective learning model references to foster entrepreneurial character. The results of research conducted on 693 final-level students, in general, obtained data on the low personality types of students who are Dominant (D) and Influence (I) which are part of the entrepreneur's personality, as a result of their interactions in the college learning environment. This is related to less the atmosphere and activities of developing entrepreneurial character in the college environment. Colleges need to apply a concrete and practical pattern of entrepreneurial education based on empirical input to equip students with meaningful knowledge in order to create entrepreneurial competencies. Colleges needs to be proactive by increasing coaching towards student interest and intensifying entrepreneurial education, both in terms of theory and practice so that the interest in entrepreneurship possessed by students can be channelled through activities that are coherent with the right learning models.