Kuo-Hua Hung, Ta-Ming Wang, Huey-Ling Liao, Shun-Che Chiang, Taiwan
Xinmending is a popular business spot in Taipei City that attracts millions of visitors annually. The study developed a scale of 25 items to extract factors that domestic tourists choose to visit Xinmending. The result revealed four factors that domestic tourists choose to visit Xinmending: popular fashion, modern interaction, shopping convenience, and living amusement. Younger adults tend to visit Xinmending for shopping convenience than those who were older. Respondents who live in the greater Taipei area (locals) tend to visit Xinmending for popular fashion, modern interaction, and/or shopping convenience than those who live outside of the greater Taipei area (non-locals). Non-locals tend to visit Xinmending for living amusement than locals do.