Iskandar, Nur Isma Fitriani, Syahruddin S., Yuli Agustina, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is basically to explore (know and study) the
effectiveness of intelligence which in this case consists of variables of
intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual
intelligence (SQ) on employee performance in a retail business organization
(case study at eramart store in Timbau sub-district, Tenggarong, Indonesia).
The sample in this study was 26 employees. Sampling technique by random
sampling. The analysis tool used is a multiple regression equation with a
hypothesis test used by the F and t tests. The calculation result of the F test obtained F count is
45.252, while the table F value is obtained a value of 2.80 this means that
(Fcount 45, 252 > Ft 2.80) with a significant value of < 0.05, so it can
be said that the variables of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence
and spiritual intelligence together / simultaneously are able to show their
influence on employee performance or it can be explained that the regression
model that was built can be used to predict the size of employee performance, so
that the first hypothesis in this study was accepted. The three free variables
were able to explain changes in employee performance by 84.2% (Adjusted R
square = 0.842) while the remaining 15.2% was influenced by other variables
that were not included in this study such as career development, compensation,
work stress.