Production, which is started with the production of something in order to meet needs of people, has been gradually increased with the selling of products to others, and was aimed faster, more efficient and better quality of production. Production, started as hand looms, is now in the way of digitization and full automation, as a result of the revolutions throughout history. At this last stage of production method, human is only in the role of desire and design, producers are intelligent machines with many functions. This new industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0, will bring about many changes in human life as well as human needs. People will be able to design products that they need, in a way that is cheaper, better quality and the most importantly faster. Smart factories established with Industry 4.0 will be beneficial to the environment as well as many other benefits such as energy saves and raw material saving. Production in intelligent factories will be based on obtaining the necessary information for production through data mining in the cloud system, and realizing the physical production process with data taken from communication and synchronization of intelligent machines with each other via wired or wireless networks. This revolution in the industry comes up with many questions such as how the transition period will be, trainings of workers, provision of qualified workforce, unemployment problem, cyber security. In our work we will try to explain the questions in the field of occupational health and safety brought by the fourth industrial revolution. That is why Industry 4.0 and the components that make this revolution possible will be described. We will make contact between Industry 4.0 and occupational health and safety and a number of potential problems in this area will be evaluated in continuation.